Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This just in: Mother nature takes a backseat to science

On another note, the Gov't has approved a pill that would push your period back to once every three years. I have two problems with this;
1. Your period may not solve any reproductive articles, as the page points out, but I 'm pretty sure having the same nasty blood sitting in your womb for 3 years is not a good thing. There is a reason your body flushes that blood out. You don't stop trying to shit, do you? Hell no. I've heard, from my doctor, though I cannot confirm or deny, that your body flushes it out to prevent uterine cancer (i.e. you don't bleed on the pill to "psychologically adjust" that's a crock of shit if nothing else). In the words of my old Biology professer, Don't Fuck with Mother Nature!

2. Why does everybody hate PMS? Ladies, is it really that bad? I rather enjoy mine. It's a chance to kick my feet up, relax, get out all the crying I've been penning up. It connects me to the female race, You know? Reminds me of my mortality. Lets me know I'm not pregnant. I'm on pills, but I don't think I could ever get rid of it entirely. Every month I'm reminded of women's incredible ability to make a tiny human inside our bodies. Isn't that a miracle? Is one week of discomfort not worth that wonder and awe? I don't want to say that this is because we no longer hold motherhood sacred, but I do feel we handle the extrodinary with less reverence.
I don't know why this is.

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