Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've often heard in arguments, and now feel the need to wax poetic upon the theory that being insensitive about death somehow demeans human life.
I'm not going to talk too long, save to say this; Without death, life would have NO meaning. It is in the fact that life ends that it has value. How could our reactions to death cause that worth to be taken away? It can't, really. Simply because one person sniffles a little, and another starts a webring shrine to a lost loved one doesn't mean either value life more or less. Our value on life is not shown through our reaction to it's end (although it is a typically good indicator that someone who does not care that life ends is probably less "maximizing the greater good in a life" driven) our value on life is demonstrated by how we live our own. We can have influence, but not control over how another's life is led. (even in those scenarios where kidnapping and such occurs. Attitude is such a large part of our view of life that even conplete control over a person's body does not ensure ocntrol over mind, or soul) Therefore, in your view of your life through your goals, or lack thereof, and impression on the fullness of your own life is the true indicator of how you value all life.

From this then, it is logical that people who weep more would be more inclined to notice the lack in their own life from the loss of a loved one, and thus, are weeping for the value lost in their own life. (let's be fair, you cannot grieve FOR someone else, only ABOUT...) and ones who are less inclined to weep would be less sensitive to the loss of life value. But we cannot make such judgements about every person. (this will tie nicely into my stereotype rant...coming soon!)
Everyone grieves in their own way, but lets abandon this shoddy argument tactic.
Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Death was nothing more then a passing of life. Mourning should only be a party to show the life. To cry, should only when there is happiness.
And for those that cant see the end with some sort of passion, pity. You end the game as clueless as you begun it.