Thursday, September 07, 2006


Despite the previous car accident, I remained undaunted, and set about the world to obtain another car. It was beautiful. A red Dodge Neon, standard. Oh the thrill of shifting gears while listening to my CD player (!), was an ambrosia I had not yet supped. We, my boyfriend, a mutual friend of ours and myself, took it to London Ontario to visit their family.
We rolled it.
Halfway between some town called Ignace, and some town called Dryden. We were shufted to the hospital in Dryden, while the car was towed to Ignace. We had only minor injuries, but the car is totalled. As we speak, it is stuffed in some parking lot in Ignace, awaiting the information as to whether it will rise again or not.
I feel guilty about abandoning it.
It was a good car.
I now bike everywhere I go.
I can't trust drivers anymore.

I think it is beneficial for people to give up their cars, for the environment and such, but I still whine when I think about the loss of luxury.

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