Saturday, December 17, 2005


Well, these past two days have been particularily tumultuous. My s.o. has left for Brazil (with me oodles more excited about it than him) I discovered some strange things about my family, and discovered that my sister is pregnant!
I'm gonna be an auntie!
I've been so excited I've been pestering everyone I know, and practically screaming at them. I guess this means that it really has to sink in that, yes, my sister is actually, really, married.
I attended the wedding as her maid of honor, but it's still so strange to think that the blonde sprite I grew up with is married, and starting a family! Her hubby, a close friend of mine, is thrilled. I think he almost exploded trying to save the surprise for when my sis was set to tell us.
I wonder if this is how every generation feels. I mean, I think about my mom and dad, and all my aunts and uncles, and wonder. Is this how a kid is going to see me in a few years? and, It will only be a few years I guess. Time seems so short all of a sudden.
I feel, also, like I'm floundering, personally. Is it possible just because the old view that women are baby/home-making machines is still floating around, hidden and bleeding, but still there? I'm neither looking to get married nor make a family any time soon, so perhaps that is why I feel so uptight about the state of my apartment? (the floor is sticky and there are so many damn dishes, and the rug needs vacuming) It stresses me severly, but I have exams, and I'm leaving for a few weeks (during which Jared will probably soil the house. I love him, but damn hon, clean up a little, will you?) so there's no point nor time in cleaning. But I feel rather like I'm failing. Bizzare. But, I guess, I'm still young, soooo...
I'm sure there's still time. But I wonder, time to do what, and why?

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